

Return $x^{1/3}$. The prefix operator ∛ is equivalent to cbrt.


  1. Calculate cube root of a number:

    julia> cbrt(8)

    This example calculates the cube root of 8 using the cbrt function.

  2. Use the prefix operator ∛ to calculate cube root:

    julia> ∛(27)

    The prefix operator is equivalent to the cbrt function. This example calculates the cube root of 27 using the prefix operator.

  3. Compute cube root of negative number:
    julia> cbrt(-64)

    The cbrt function can also handle negative numbers. This example calculates the cube root of -64.

Common mistake example:

julia> cbrt("abc")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching cbrt(::String)

In this example, the cbrt function is applied to a string "abc". The cbrt function expects a numeric argument, so passing a string will result in a MethodError. Make sure to provide a valid numeric argument to the cbrt function.

See Also

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